Wednesday, May 16, 2007

5 Weeks 5 Days

Until I get to Philadelphia with 76 other volunteers to meet up, get shots, eat cheesesteak (I'm thinking Geno's -any opinions?). Two days after that we board a plane bound for Mauritania, with an estimate of 3 or so layovers. I will eventually get to Kaedi, Mauritania to start my training.

Until then, what will I be doing? I have to work and attend about 72 happy hours/going away things until my dad comes to Washington, DC and moves my stuff out of my apartment June 9th.

Then I have several weeks to chill out, start packing, hang with my dog and my family and everyone in Babylon before June 23rd, the BIG HUGE SUPER PHANTASM Going Away/Lyzzy's Graduation party we're currently planning. Did I mention it will be pirate themed? I think you should attend. I have couches for you all to crash on.

I will try to answer as many questions as you guys have about Mauritania through this blog.

I meant to post alot of informative websites about Mauritania and its culture, but there are few and alot of them are in French. I will save that for next time.

Instead I will post my wishlist, so you may see what I need before I leave for Mauritana.

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